groups & organizations
st. thomas aquinas guild of the quad cities
This group is comprised of Catholic healthcare professionals and others with an interest in studying areas where issues of faith and medicine intersect. They meet the 3rd Saturday of the month. Catholic Messenger story on origins of St. Thomas Aquinas Society To learn more about the St. Thomas Aquinas Society events: visit their Facebook Page or their website. For questions about events, email: stthomasaquinasguild@gmail.com
Vinum non Habent
Learn more about this mission/apostolate here!
Christ Child of the Quad Cities
The Christ Child Society hosts quarterly baby showers for families who have been served by the Women's Choice Center. They also make and distribute layettes to pregnant moms upon receiving news of their pregnancy. The Christ Child Society hosts an annual coat give-away and also distributes layettes to the Child Abuse Council and Unity Point's Moline Hospital Campus. To learn more about the local Christ Child Society, visit their website.
What is Conquest? Conquest is based on Catholic principles of spiritual development. Its programs are designed to instill virtue, develop character and encourage spiritual growth, while offering its participants challenging physical, intellectual and spiritual activities within an atmosphere of adventure. Weekly meetings that consist of directed virtue training as well as athletic activities.
Who can Join? Boys Aged 5-16 can participate. Quad Cities Conquest is a Father and Son club, so we highly encourage fathers to participate as well. There is no better leadership training for a boy than watching his own father lead. We have boys from Davenport all the way to Prophetstown that participate. While the program is based on Catholic principles, boys from all faiths are welcome.
When and Where? Mondays 6-8pm at Christ The King Believer's Together Center First Campaign begins in early September. Join anytime, our program lasts from September-April.
Contact Information: Neil Young, (309) 799-5261, youngneilc@gmail.com
The Cursillo is an instrument of renewal by which Christianity can permeate, live and grow in today’s world. It proposes no new type of spirituality but a method through which one’s spirituality can be strengthened, lived and shared in all areas of one’s environment. Cursillo, which means 'short course' in Spanish, hosts weekend retreats at the Believer's Together Center in Moline which start on a Friday evening and end on Sunday mid-afternoon. Learn more about the Cursillo experience!
Fathers of St. Joseph
The fathers of St. Joseph is a confraternity of men who follow the timeless wisdom and example of the man who was father to the Son and son of the Father. With St. Joseph as our leader, each father strives to become as he became – an icon of God the Father. As God the Father entrusted His Son to St. Joseph’s care, we also strive to entrust ourselves as children, who are fathers, to this father who will teach us to father, and lead us to the Father. This way of fatherhood is called Joseph’s Way – The Call to Fatherly Greatness. Join us on this journey to discover the power of authentic fatherhood. First and third Wednesdays at St.Mary's Rock Island 6:00am-7:30am For more info visit fathersofstjoseph.org
knights of columbus - allouez council
The Allouez Council serves the parishes of Rock Island. The Council meets every second Thursday of month, 7:00 pm at St. Pius X Farrell Hall. For more information, please go to the Council's website
Knights of Columbus Ambrose Council
The St. Ambrose Council serves the parishes of Milan and Andalusia. The Council meets every third Wednesday of month, 7:00 pm at St. Ambrose Parish Center. For more information, please go to the Council's website
Knights of Columbus Leo Council
The Leo Council serves the parishes of Moline, East Moline, and Silvis. The Council meets every first Tuesday of month, 7:00 pm at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Center.
Knights of Columbus Father Betson Council
The Father Betson Council serves the parish of Christ the King in Moline. The Council meets every third Monday of month, 7:00 pm at Christ the King Believers Together Center library. For more information, please go to the Council's website
New Evangelization Network
The New Evangelism Network is a group of Catholics who volunteer to help connect Churches in the RI Vicariate of the Peoria Diocese, by helping to promote Catholic events in the region that offer opportunities to celebrate and grow in faith. If you are interested in helping keep QC Catholics informed and connected, please email NEN.
Teens Encounter Christ
To learn more about Teens Encounter Christ (TEC), please click here.