works of mercy
Sacred Heart Rock Island - Food Pantry
The oldest and longest-running food pantry in the Quad Cities! The Sacred Heart Food Pantry is Located at Rock Island Township Hall, 2827 7th Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201. The Pantry is managed and operated by volunteers Monday through Friday from 9 to 11 a.m.
Learn more here!
Coal Valley Food Pantry - St. Maria Goretti - Coal Valley
The COAL VALLEY COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY is supported by the parish of St. Maria Goretti. If you would like to donate canned food, please place your donation in the BLUE TUB marked Food Pantry in the foyer of St. Maria Goretti church in Coal Valley. Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Orion Food Pantry - Mary Our Lady of Peace - Orion
On the first weekend of each month, cash, food and non-food items are collected for the Orion Food Pantry. Thank you for giving to this ever present need that supports the poor of our community.
Lombard Food Pantry - St. Vincent de Paul food pantry is a ministry of St. Pius X - Rock Island.
The food pantry is open on Monday and Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We also help parish shut-ins and those with emergencies. Food, aluminum cans and cash donations are collected on a periodic basis, as well as plastic bags.
Moline Catholic Food Pantry
The food pantry is a ministry of St. Mary, Sacred Heart, and Christ the King parishes in Moline. The food pantry is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Milan Christian Food Pantry
St. Patrick, Andalusia, and St. Ambrose, Milan, support this Pantry.
St. Joseph's Evening Meal
The St. Joseph Evening Meal is a ministry of St. Pius X - Rock Island.
Sustaining itself with funds from the annual St. Joseph's Party in March, individual contributions, and an occasional gift in memory of a loved one, it is truly one of the largest ecumenical outreach efforts in the Quad Cities. Along with members and groups of our parish, there are approximately 49 churches, fraternal organization, religious orders, government agencies, and businesses who organize, prepare and serve the nightly meals. Nightly members at the meal site continue to increase. In the past three months, we've served 2,895 hungry men, women, and children.
We have a few nights open for groups willing to prepare and serve in upcoming months. If you, your family, or a group of which you are a member, would like more information about how to become involved in this ministry, please call Rita at 786-3799. If you would like to help but do not have a group to help prepare a meal, you are still welcome to come and help serve any night of the week. Please call Rita to find out the nights your help may be most needed.
Thank you for your support of this ministry. Please join us for our major annual fundraiser for the St. Joseph Evening Meal. This year's St. Joseph's Party will be held on Sunday, March 25th. We'd love to see you there!
Coming soon!
Clothe the naked
St. Pius X - Rock Island
Each month, Faith in Action focuses on a different collection of needed items, gathering donations from St. Pius X parishioners in Redistribution boxes, placed at all the church doors.
The Angel Tree Project Faith in Action is collecting the following items for the Angel Tree Project: Hand/Body LOTION, TOOTHPASTE, KLEENEX (large boxes), BAR SOAP, and TOILET PAPER. Donated items may be placed in one of the two Redistribution Boxes located at the main church entrances. Your generosity will help make Christmas happier for those less fortunate in our local community.
shelter the homeless
Coming soon!
visit the imprisioned
Coming soon!